Testonon (Testosterone Compound) description, Testonon (Testosterone Compound) side effects, Testonon (Testosterone Compound) price, Testonon (Testosterone Compound) substance

Name: Testonon ( Sustanon )
Strength: 250mg
Size: 1 amp
Manufacturer: Zafa Pharmaceuticals Pakistan Ltd.
Testosterone propionate 30mg
Testosterone phenylpropionate 60mg
Testosterone Isocarproate 60mg
Testosterone Decoanate 100mg
Zafa is a leading pharmaceutical company in Pakistan, manufacturing high quality sustanon with name of testonon. Its quality is as good as of Organon Sustanon
testosterone esters:testosterone propionate 30 mg/ml, testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg/ml, testosterone isocaproate 60 mg/ml and testosterone decanoate 100 mg/ml. Total 250 mg/ml x 10Ampls Testonon is a four-component testosterone. The four different substances work together in such a timely manner that Testonon remains in the body for a long time. The pronounced androgenic component of Testonon goes hand in hand with a high anabolic effect which manifests itself in a high strength gain characterized by a liquid accumulation in the joints, an increased pump effect, increased appetite, and a possible improved regeneration of the athlete. Since Testonon easily aromatizes, the intake of anti-estrogens is suggested. This can also help reduce some of the water retention. Although Testonon has a duration effect of a good 2-3 weeks it is usually injected at least once a week. An acceptable and, for most, sufficient dosage is 250--2000mg/week.Testonon is often combined with Dianabol, Anadrol 50, and Deca Durabolin that accelerates the gain in strength, mass, and water retention.

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