Michael Kefalianos Wins The 2012 Mr. Europe Pro In Spain description, Michael Kefalianos Wins The 2012 Mr. Europe Pro In Spain side effects, Michael Kefalianos Wins The 2012 Mr. Europe Pro In Spain price, Michael Kefalianos Wins The 2012 Mr. Europe Pro In Spain substance
The 2012 IFBB Mr. Europe Pro just ended and Michael Kefalianos was crowned the winner, overtaking Johnnie Jackson who won the 2012 FIBO Power Pro just a short week ago (where Kefalianos placed 2nd). Michael Kefalianos has been touted as one of the hardest working pro bodybuilders, competing in more than 5 shows on average per season. His unmatched conditioning, symmetry and quality mass proved to be too much for an incomplete Jackson to overcome.
Michael Kefalianos Wins The 2012 Mr. Europe Pro In Spain