Testabol Depot |

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Testabol Depot (testosterone cypionate) is a long acting ester of testosterone which is increasingly difficult to find.Before the scheduling of anabolics in the U.S., this was the most common form of testosterone available to athletes. Cyp had gained a reputation as being slightly stronger than enanthate and became the testosterone of choice for many. Now that anabolics are controlled, this is an almost impossible find. In general, the only versions you'll find on the black market are Sten from Mexico ...
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Anadrol 50 |

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Anadrol 50 is considered by many to be the most powerful steroid available, with results of this compound being extremely dramatic.
Anadrol 50 is the U.S. brand name for oxymetholone, a very potent oral androgen. This compound was first made available in 1960, by the international drug firm Syntex ...
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Cytomel |

See more ... | Cytomel is not an anabolic/androgenic steroid but a thyroid hormone. Cytomel causes a faster conversion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Bodybuilders, of course, are especially interested in an increased lipolysis, which means increased fat burning. Competing bodybuilders, in particular, use Cytomel during the weeks before a championship since it helps to maintain an extremely ...
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Equipoise |

See more ... | Equipoise will provide a steady and consistent gain in mass and strength. However, best results are achieved when Equipoise is used in conjunction with other steroids. For mass, Equipoise stacks exceptionally well with Anadrol(oxymetholone), Dianabol(methandrostenlone), or an injectable testosterone like Sustanon 250 ...
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Masteron |

See more ... | Masteron, or drostanolone propionate, is a popular steroid among competitive bodybuilders. It is commonly used in contest preparation for many reasons. To begin with, drostanolone propionate is a derivative of DHT(dihydrotestosterone), and therefore, it will not aromatize into estrogen. Competing bodybuilders find this extremely beneficial because aromatization ...
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Primobolan Depot |

See more ... | Primobolan Depot is generally the safest injectable steroid. Athletes whose liver values strongly increase when taking anabolic steroids but who still do not want to give up their use, under periodical supervision of these values, can go ahead and try a stack of Primobolan Depot, Deca Durabolin, and Andriol. A well-known bodybuilder in Germany who had ...
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Proviron |

See more ... | Proviron is taken during a steroid administration or after discontinuing the use of the steroids, to eliminate a possible impotency or a reduced sexual interest. This, however does not contribute to the maintainance of strength and muscle mass after the treatment. There are other better suited compounds for this (see HCG and Clomid). For this reason Proviron ...
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Sustanon 250 |

See more ... | Sustanon 250 is an oil-based injectable testosterone blend, developed by the international drug firm Organon. As with all testosterone products, Sustanon is a strong anabolic with pronounced androgenic activity. It is most commonly used as a bulking drug, providing exceptional gains in strength and muscle mass ...
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Aquabol® (Testosterone Suspension) |

See more ... | Aquabol® (Testosterone Suspension) 1 vial 10 ml, 100mg/ml British Dragon is an injectable preparation containing unesterfied testosterone in a water base. Testosterone suspension is one of the oldest forms of testosterone. It differs from the other testosterone in that is dissolved in water, giving it some unique properties.
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SustaJect 250 |

See more ... | Sustaject-250 is a mix of 4 testosterone esters:testosterone propionate 30 mg/ml, testosterone phenylpropionate 60 mg/ml, testosterone isocaproate 60 mg/ml and testosterone decanoate 100 mg/ml. Total 250 mg/ml. All 4 components have a synergic effect and have time-released effect for up to 2 weeks. It leads to substantial growth in strength and body mass without the need of frequent enjections ...
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TestoJect |

See more ... | Testosterone aqueous suspension. Active component of this product reaches blood stream in 1-2 hours after administration so it is fast acting form of testosterone. Testosterone suspension (TesoJect) considerably boosts the storing of glycogen in the muscle cells and, since dissolved in water, becomes effective almost immediately. As is known, glycogen also bonds with water in the muscle cells, which manifests itself in extremely tight and full muscles ...
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Deca Durabolin (Organon) |

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Deca durabolin is the Organon brand name for nandrolone decanoate. World wide Deca is one of the most popular injectable steroids. It's popularity is likely due to the fact that Deca exhibits significant anabolic effects with minimal androgenic side effects.
Considered by many the best overall steroid for a man to use (side effects vs. results) Deca durabolin is most commonly injected once per week at a dosage of 200-400mg. ...
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Deca Durabolin (Norma) |

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World wide Deca is one of the most popular injectable steroids. It's popularity is likely due to the fact that Deca exhibits significant anabolic effects with minimal androgenic side effects.
Considered by many the best overall steroid for a man to use (side effects vs. results) Deca durabolin is most commonly injected once per week at a dosage of 200-400mg. With this amount, estrogen conversion is slight so gyno is no problem. Also uncommon are problems with liver enzymes, blood pressure or cholesterol levels. At higher dosages, side effects may become increasingly more frequent, but this is still a very well tolerated drug ...
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Trenabol 80 |

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Trenabol 80 is a fast-acting injectable steroid with a great effect on protein metabolism. Trenbolone is one of the best effective anabolic compounds, promoting protein synthesis, as well as creating a positive nitrogen balance. It is an appetite stimulant and improves the conversion of proteins. In laboratory tests, it has been. ...
Mastabol |

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Mastabol is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone, displaying a potent androgenic effect that is responsible for increases in muscle density and hardness and a moderate anabolic effect that creates a positive nitrogen balance in humans and promotes protein synthesis. Since it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone ...
Oxanabol (Oxandrolone/Anavar) |

See more ... | Oxanabol (Oxandrolone) is a mild anabolic with low androgenic activity. Its reduced androgenic activity has much to due with the fact that it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone
Oxanabol is used for strength gains and muscle hardness. It is low in androgens and doesn't produce water retention. This drug considered to be very safe. Anavar is widely used by powerlifters, and many women like to use it because of its chemical structure, Anavar won't aromatize ...
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Clenbuterol |

See more ... | Clenbuterol does work effectively as a fat burner. It does this by slight increases in the body temperature. With each degree that the temperature in your body is raised from the use of clenbuterol, you will burn up approximately an extra 5% of maintenance calories. ...
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Deca durabolin |

See more ... | World wide Deca durabolin is one of the most widely used anabolic steroids. Its popularity is due to the simple fact that Deca Durabolin exhibits many very favorable properties. Structurally nandrolone is very similar to testosterone, although it lacks a carbon atom at the 19th position (hence its other name 19-nortestosterone). ...
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Pregnyl 5000 IU |

See more ... | Pregnyl is provided as a glycoprotein powder to be diluted with water, and acts in the body like LH, stimulating the testes to produce testosterone even when natural LH is not present or is deficient. It therefore is useful for maintaining testosterone production and/or testicle size during a steroid cycle. Use of this drug in the taper is rather counterproductive, since the resulting increased testosterone production is itself inhibitory to the hypothalamus and pituitary, delaying recovery ...
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Nolvadex |

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Nolvadex is a potent nonsteroidal anti-estrogen. Nolvadex is intended for use in estrogen dependent tumors, i.e. breast cancer. Steroid users take Nolvadex to prevent the effects of estrogen in the body. This estrogen is most often the result of aromatizing affect of steroids. Nolvadex can aid in preventing edema, gynecomastia, and female pattern fat distribution ...
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Testosterone Enanthate |

See more ... | Testoviron Depot (testosterone enanthate). Designed by Galenika. It Is currently the most popular ester of testosterone available to athletes. Unlike cypionate, enanthate is manufactured by various companies all over the world. Ampules of Testoviron from Galenika are probably the most popular although many others exist. Enanthate is a long acting testosterone similar to cypionate. Injections are taken once weekly ...
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Testosterone Suspension |

See more ... | Testosterone suspension is a water bast testosterone. Its the fastest acting testosterone. Substance: testosterone aqueous suspension. Active component of this product reaches blood stream in 1-2 hours after administration so it is fast acting form of testosterone. It leads to rapid gains in strength ...
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Testoviron depot |

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Testosterone enanthate is an ester of the naturally occurring androgen, testosterone. It is responsible for the normal development of the male sex characteristics. In the event of insufficient testosterone production an almost complete balance of the functional, anatomic, and psychic deficiency symptoms can be achieved ...
Cypionax |

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Since Testosterone Cypionate has a notably high affinity for estrogen conversion, the mass gained from this drug is likely to be accompanied by a discernible level of water retention. The resulting loss of definition of course makes cypionate a very poor choice for dieting or cutting phases. The excess level of estrogen brought about by this drug can also cause one to develop gynecomastia rather quickly. Should the user notice an uncomfortable soreness ...
Stanabol |

See more ... | Anabolic steroids such as stanozolol are synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone. Stanozolol has a pronounced anabolic effect with fewer masculinizing side effects than testosterone or some other synthetic anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids are used in stimulating appetite and increasing weight ...
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Decabol 200 |

See more ... | The decanoate salt form of nandrolone, an anabolic steroid analog of testosterone with androgenic, anabolic, and erythropoietin stimulating effects. Nandrolone enters the cell and binds to and activates specific nuclear androgen receptors in responsive tissue, including ...
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Anavar |

See more ... | Anavar is a mild anabolic with low androgenic activity. Its reduced androgenic activity has much to due with the fact that it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone
Anavar is used for strength gains and muscle hardness. It is low in androgens and doesn't produce water retention. This drug considered to be very safe. Anavar is widely used by powerlifters, and many women like to use it because of its chemical structure, Anavar won't aromatize ...
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Boldabol |

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Boldabol (Boldenone undeclynate) In the presence of adequate protein and calories, Boldabol promotes body tissue building processes and can reverse catabolism. As these agents are either derived from or are closely related to testosterone, the anabolics have varying degrees of androgenic effect. Boldabol, as well as other anabolic steroids can also stimulate erythropoisis. ...
Andriol |

See more ... | Andriol is presented in little, oval- shaped, red capsules. An oil, which contains the testosterone, is inside of these capsules. Andriol is a unique steroid in that it is not an alpha alkylayted 17 steroid. This all but eliminates its hepatotoxicity. Andriol is actually contained in a natural ester base, one, which is very easy on the body. This product's advantageous properties are similar to other testosterones in that it promotes rapid strength and weight gains ...
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Clomid |

See more ... | Clomid does work effectively as a fat burner. It does this by slight increases in the body temperature. With each degree that the temperature in your body is raised from the use of Clomid, you will burn up approximately an extra 5% of maintenance calories. This makes it effective as a fat burner. Your body will fight this by cutting down on the amount of ...
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Methanabol BritishDragon |

See more ... | Methanabol BritishDragon is an orally applicable steroid with a great effect on protein metabolism. Methandienone iis a derivative of testosterone and has a very strong anabolic and androgenic properties. It has a great effect on protein metabolism and promotes protein synthesis. This effect manifests itself in by creating a positive nitrogen balance, supporting the builidup of protein and, thus, skeletal muscle mass. Methandienone also induces an improved sense of well-being. ...
Mastabol 100 |

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Mastebol 100 Drostanolone propionate is a synthetic derivative of dihydrotestosterone,producing effective anabolic, promoting protein synthesis as well as creating a positive nitrogen balance in humans,since it is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone it causes the dromastolone not to aromatize in any dosage and thus, it cannot be converted into estrogens. ...
Jintropin 10IU |

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As with no other doping drug, growth hormones are still surrounded by an aura of mystery. Some call it a wonder drug which causes gigantic strength and muscle gains in the shortest time. Others consider it completely useless in improving sports performance and argue that it only promotes the growth process in children with an early stunting of growth ...
Omnadren 250 |

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Omnadren is probably not a good choice. The long action of this compound, mixed with the highly androgenic nature of testosterone, makes a poor combination. Virilization symptoms can develop quite easily with a strong androgen, making a long acting product like Omnadren notably dangerous should problems become evident ...
Testosterone Propionate |

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Testosterone propionate is a male sexual hormone with pronounced, mainly androgenic action, possessing the biological and therapeutic properties of the natural hormone. In a healthy male organism, androgens are formed by the testes and adrenal cortex. It is normally produced in women in small physiological quantities. In addition to the specific action ...
Parabolan |

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Parabolan (Trenbolone Acetate) is another trenbolone product, in the same nature as Finaplix, so what's been said for finaplix pretty much goes for Parabolan as well. It differs distinctly in a few characteristics. Parabolan is a different ester that acts considerably longer, meaning you could go longer without injecting. But since it comes ...
Testex |

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Since Testosterone Cypionate has a notably high affinity for estrogen conversion, the mass gained from this drug is likely to be accompanied by a discernible level of water retention. The resulting loss of definition of course makes cypionate a very poor choice for dieting or cutting phases. The excess level of estrogen brought about by this drug can also cause one to develop gynecomastia rather quickly. Should the user notice an uncomfortable soreness ...
Winstrol Depot |

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Winstrol is classified as an anabolic, exhibiting low androgenic side effects. Its' anabolic properties however are not dramatic and is often used in combination with other drugs, most commonly during cutting cycles when water and fat retention are a major concern. ...
Cypioject |

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Since Testosterone Cypionate has a notably high affinity for estrogen conversion, the mass gained from this drug is likely to be accompanied by a discernible level of water retention. The resulting loss of definition of course makes cypionate a very poor choice for dieting or cutting phases. The excess level of estrogen brought about by this drug can also cause one to develop gynecomastia rather quickly. Should the user notice an uncomfortable soreness ...
Anabol |

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The steroid dianobol a.k.a. Anabol has a very strong androgenic and anabolic effect which manifests itself in an enormous build up of strength and muscle mass.
Dianabol is simply a mass building steroid that works quickly and reliably.
A weight gain of 2 -4 pounds per week in the first six weeks is normal with dianobol.
When first ...