Anabol (Methandienone) 500 tabs/ 10mg description, Anabol (Methandienone) 500 tabs/ 10mg side effects, Anabol (Methandienone) 500 tabs/ 10mg price, Anabol (Methandienone) 500 tabs/ 10mg substance

SUBSTANCE: Methandienone
CONTENT: 500 tabs/10mg
MANUFACTURER: Thailand/British Dispensary
Dianabol Anabol Thai. Most users opt to take Anabol orally as it is just as effective as tablets. The pink Dianabol Thai tablets are also popular and should be the only tablets purchased without paperwork or box. This Dianabol ships in quantities of 500 and 1000 only, so they are almost always broken up and sold. Methandon is also available in Thailand, but much less popular than the Anabol tabs. Dianabol was a very popular drug in the 70´s, and still is. It is a 17 alpha-alkyl based steroid which produces dramatic strength and size gains. Dianabol is probably the reason for Arnolds muscles.
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Anabol (Methandienone) 500 tabs/ 10mg