1-Androstenediol 1-AD Prohormone description, 1-Androstenediol 1-AD Prohormone side effects, 1-Androstenediol 1-AD Prohormone price, 1-Androstenediol 1-AD Prohormone substance
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1-AD 60 capsules from ErgoPharm
You probably are familiar with the “Andro” prohormones, and the “Norandro” prohormones. The former convert to testosterone and the latter to 19-nortestosterone. 1-AD, however, does not fit into either of those categories. That is because 1-AD converts to a relatively unheard of hormone called 1-testosterone. 1-testosterone is what is known as a “double bond isomer” of testosterone. Although chemically the only difference between testosterone and 1-testosterone is the position of the double bond, pharmacologically the two products are quite different. According to research done by the pharmaceutical giant G.D. Searle and published in the 1960s, 1-testosterone is over 7 times as myotrophic (anabolic) as testosterone. That makes 1-testosterone a phenomenally potent compound. No Aromatization 1-testosterone differs from testosterone in another way as well. Being a 5alpha-reduced androgen (a DHT derivative) it simply cannot aromatize to estrogens. The same goes for 1-AD itself — no estrogen transformation can occur. This makes 1-AD unique compared to other prohormones all of which can either aromatize directly, convert to a product that aromatizes, or both. So what does this mean in the real world? It means that your chances of getting gynecomastia (bitch tits) from 1-AD is essentially zero, and that water retention side effects are vastly reduced compared to other prohormones.
What 1-AD has to offer: High oral activity, conversion to a hormone 700% more potent than testosterone, absolutely NO aromatization to estrogens natural and safe! There can be no argument that this is the ultimate prohormone!
This compound is truly unique amongst other prohormones in a variety of ways. Let’s look specifically at 1-AD and what it does. You probably are familiar with the “Andro” prohormones, and the “Norandro” prohormones. The former convert to testosterone and the latter to 19-nortestosterone. 1-AD, however, does not fit into either of those categories. That is because 1-AD converts to a relatively unheard of hormone called 1-testosterone. 1-testosterone is what is known as a “double bond isomer” of testosterone. This means that your chances of getting gynecomastia (bitch tits) from 1-AD is essentially zero, and that water retention side effects are vastly reduced compared to other prohormones. The ultimate in Prohormones!
Nutrition Facts:
Serving Size: 1 Cap
Servings Per Container: 60
1-androstene-3beta-17beta-diol: 100mg
Other Ingredients:
Micro crystalline cellulose.
Suggested use:
For Oral Use Only. As A Dietary Supplement, Take 1-2 Capsules 3 Times Daily With Food. Do Not Break Open Capsules. Do Not Exceed Recommended Dosage.
Ergopharm 1-AD Information
Supplement Name: ERGOPHARM 1-AD
THe Ergopharm 1-AD compound is truly unique amongst other prohormones in a variety of ways. Let’s look specifically at Ergopharm 1-AD and what it does. You probably are familiar with the “Andro” prohormones, and the “Norandro” prohormones. The former convert to testosterone and the latter to 19-nortestosterone. 1-AD, however, does not fit into either of those categories. That is because Ergopharm 1-AD converts to a relatively unheard of hormone called 1-testosterone. 1-testosterone is what is known as a “double bond isomer” of testosterone. This means that your chances of getting gynecomastia (breasts) from Ergopharm 1-AD is essentially zero, and that water retention side effects are vastly reduced compared to other prohormones. Ergopharm 1-AD is the ultimate in Prohormones!
Ergopharm 1-AD will add pounds of lean hard muscle to your frame with little to no side effects associated with drug usage. It's not banned, and it's not illegal. 1-AD is the future of prohormone supplementation.
For best results while using Ergopharm 1-AD you need to follow a good mass building diet and training program. Ergopharm 1-AD will provide the hormones to make it happen, it's up to you to provide the stimulus and the fuel to ensure that it does. Get the best possible results from 1-AD, exercise and eat right - the results you'll receive will amaze you.
* High oral activity from Ergopharm 1-AD, conversion to a hormone 700% more potent than testosterone,
* Absolutely NO aromatization to estrogens natural and safe! There can be no argument that Ergopharm 1-AD is the ultimate prohormone!
Ergopharm 1-AD is for Oral Use Only. As A Dietary Supplement, Take 1-2 Ergopharm 1-AD Capsules 3 Times Daily With Food. Do Not Break Open Ergopharm 1-AD Capsules. Do Not Exceed Recommended Ergopharm 1-AD Dosage.
Consult with your physician before using Ergopharm 1-AD. Do not take Ergopharm 1-AD if you have prostate hypertrophy. Ergopharm 1-AD is not recommended for persons under the age of 18. Keep Ergopharm 1-AD out of reach of children.
Let's put it all together and see what 1-AD has to offer:
There can be no argument that Ergopharm 1-AD is the ultimate prohormone. Believe us, there simply are no natural compounds out there that can come close to what 1-AD does, so don’t even bother looking.
1-androstene-3beta,17beta-diol...100mg. Other Ergopharm 1-AD ingredients: micro crystalline cellulose.

Old view:

Alternative Description 1-Androstenediol 1-AD Prohormone:
1-Androstenediol (1-AD)
Synonyms: 5alpha-androst-1-en-3,17-diol, 1-AD
1-Androstenediol (1-AD) is an anabolic pro-steroid structurally related (but not identical) to 5-androstenediol. It is one of the many byproducts of the body's normal processing of steroid hormones. In the body 1-AD is converted into 1-Testosterone.
1-AD was discovered in the 1940s and a metabolic study was published in 1972. Aside from these studies, 1-AD received little attention until recently.
In the 1990s governments worldwide tried to eliminate access to anabolic steroids, thereby creating not only a thriving black market, but a strong incentive to find alternative muscle-building enhancers. This led to the rediscovery of 1-AD and 1-Testosterone by chemist Patrick Arnold — compounds that (in some countries, at least) were not covered by existing anti-steroid laws.
The known facts about 1-Androstenediol:
It is an orally active, naturally occurring prohormone.
Oral bioavailability appears to be higher than most anabolic prohormones, but has not yet been measured quantitatively.
Does not convert to estrogens in the body — hence, won't cause breast enlargement or estrogen-related water retention.
Conversion to DHT is low or zero. Therefore, 1-AD is not likely to cause acne, scalp hair loss, or body/facial hair growth.
The liver converts 1-AD to 1-Testosterone, which is a very potent anabolic steroid. This conversion could be called "activation", but 1-AD also has anabolic action of its own. The figure of 154% refers to this action. The inactivation of both 1-AD and 1-Testosterone, prior to their elimination from the body, also takes place in the liver, so claim 9 is not entirely accurate.
1-AD is non-toxic with short-term use — long-term studies have not been done.
1-AD, both on its own and through its metabolite 1-Testosterone, increases muscle mass and strength without causing significant water retention in the muscles. In this sense it "hardens muscles".
In the absence of long-term studies, we have only short-term studies and anecdotal reports to go on, and these support none of the negative claims.
I'm using 1-AD right now. It converts to quite a high degree (15%-25%) to 1-testosterone, and its a great dry bulker with little in the way of sides. It stacks much better with real injectible testosterone than it does with 4-AD.
The best thing about 1-AD is that it's unmethylated, so no liver load (like primobolan tablets). I'm stacking it with ROHM anavar and winstrol for a quick cut. It can't aromatise or interact with 5-a dehydrogenase, the main side I notice is always having to get up for a pee in the night when using 1-AD. Three 100mg tablets a day gives, in theory, 35mg to 75mg of "1-testosterone", and it shuts you down fast. I use "anabolic pharmaceuticles 1-AD". The packaging is product, you get 90 tablets.
1-AD is like gravy that goes with everything - injectibles and orals, bulking or cutting.
I have done two cycles of ergopharm's 1-AD. I have had phenomenal success with the two cycles that I have done! I ran each at 900mg/day, which is a bit much, but it is what my body responded to. I gained 2 lbs while I was on the last cycle. Not much weight, but consider how I also lost 1.5" off my waist at the same time! I was taking it during a fat-loss cycle - you will be able to add a good amount of mass. Here are some things to expect while you're on it:
1) Lethargy. 1-AD causes your body's ability to produce test to shut down. This in turn will cause you to get MAD tired. This can be avoided by running 4-AD with your cycle.
2) Water retention. Your body will start to hold on to more water, more or less in some people.
3) Painful urination. Easily avoided. When taking 1-AD, the metabolites that go unused by the body that are passed through the liver and out the urethera will chafe the inside walls of the urethera. This is EASILY avoided by drinking a gallon of water a day - this causes your body to dilute the metabolites out of the system and go unnoticed.
4) Strength - through the roof! This one speaks for itself. Try it and you'll see...
5) Increased hunger. Your body will be metabolizing food at a faster rate, and your body will increase its ability to synthesize protein. Make sure your diet is in check!
That's at least what I can report. You will lose your gains if you do not follow through with PCT (post cycle therapy). PCT involves supplementing with anicilliaries (spelling) that will bring the body's test level's back into check. Clomid and Nolvadex are the two best to use, and probably the ONLY thing that experienced AAS/PH users will recommend. (There is something called HCG used as well, but you will not need this if your cycle is not running over 4 weeks)
I have had other friends run this as well. My friends has a physique similar to your and in short - he blew the **** up. 1-AD is the real deal.
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